Reviewed By: Avnzu Juber
Reviewed Date: 06/15/20
My status in this game is: Player
I have been a member of this game since: 06/15/20
I think this game is: 5 / 5

Staff stole passwords

Recently a player's real life ex joined the game. They were soon elevated to the position of staff. They were able to use this position to both spy on and harass their ex. This player wasn't just staff however, but was apparently given enough access to read private messages and even access player passwords. At least one other player attempted to sign in and had found that their character was already signed in by this staffer. Clearly staff here has no idea how to safely run a game and website. I wouldn't trust them with my IP address, passwords, or e-mail.

You can see staff's announcement of the issue here:

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