
Reviewed By: IMG
Reviewed Date: 12/23/23
My status in this game is: Player
I have been a member of this game since: 01/01/70
I think this game is: 5 / 5

BURN in: Nukefire!

Nukefire is a fresh take on the classic post-apocalyptic Thunderdome. With a team of former players as imms/imps/coders/builders, the development has realized many tdome mudders' dreams!

The world is constantly expanding, especially at the high end of gameplay, pushed by the dual team of Spiny and Rave. Their content is frightening, exciting, and the writing really pushes the boundaries of a mud.

There is considerable development happening, including tattoos, eq locations, skills and classes, and player-coder driven balancing of classes on the discord server (

Finally, the community is relaxed, fun, and helpful. As a fresh but old player, when I showed up, people dropped eq, helpful information, and invitations to group on me.

If you're into scifi/cyberpunk/horror/post apocalyptic genre with a fun twist, check it out!

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