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InfernoMOO is a game about doing what you want. You can go on a speed bender and murder the mutated inhabitants of the sewers, or learn medicine to travel the wasteland and heal the wounds of the sickly, or become a hideous, mutated abomination yourself, killing other players and devouring the corpses.
The options in InfernoMOO are many and varied, and they only increase. InfernoMOO features an active admin team who are constantly working at changing, adding, and improving to the game. Applications are also open to those interested, though these are considered on a case-by-case basis, with merit, demeanor, and creativity taken into account.
We also feature a newbie help system for those who are having trouble getting their bearings.
Our skill system is class-less. You can take your character in any direction you please, as long as you've put in the time to raise their skills. Become a gunslinger extraordinare who moonlights as a paramedic, or a spear-toting zombie-mutant who also happens to have a penchant for sewing.
Depravity is not a requirement for players of InfernoMOO, but for those inclined, the possibility is always open. You could murder the enemies of your corporation in the street, or sit in your corporation's HQ, crafting weapons and armor to be used by your corp members. Players are allowed to design their own custom HQs or buy pre-made ones.
InfernoMOO has thousands of possibilities for any player, to be carried out in our world of over twelve-thousand rooms. Come to InfernoMOO if you want to experience the apocalypse.