DragonBall: Infinity

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Dragon Ball Z
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Player Killing
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This game is currently ranked #6 with a total of 118 votes this month.

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DragonBall: Infinity is the longest run DBS based and one of the longest running DB themed MUDs.

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DragonBall: Infinity started with a simple idea: Take what DragonBall Saga was, improve on it, and keep it running forever. Since 2004 DBI has slowly evolved to become the most complete, longest running, and most advanced DBS codebase in existence. A strong focus on balance, reward for investment, a unique roleplay lore (with areas, supermobs, and in-game events drawing inspiration from stories written by roleplayers), an active community of new players and veterans alike, global events such as automated dragonball hunts, supermob releases, double gains/damage/stats, and much much more, DBI is the best Dragonball MUD on the net to call home if you're a fan of the Dragonball Series.


* Unlimited powerlevel system (No caps)

* Unlimited stat system (Fighting and training increases stats organically)

* 15 playable races (Saiyan, Human, Halfbreed, Icer, Namek, Android, Kaio and more)

* Dynamic Skill Driver (Skills can be created and balanced live)

* Skilltree system (Skills based system, not powerlevel based. Master skills to unlock stronger ones)

* 10+ Planets (Some more developed than others, some unique to DBI)

* Over 20,000 rooms (And expanding!)

* Player Activity Bonus (PAB for short. Triggers random events based on global player activity)

* Global Gains Bonus (GGM. Increased gains the more players are logged in.)

* Split-Form sparring (All alone, or have no friends? Train with yourself! Everyone but Androids :P)

* Comprehensive Helpfiles (Helpfiles have been updated, specifically for new players to guide them on where to go/what to do)

* Automated Events (Automated DB releases, super mob releases, and other various events)

* RP Heavily Encouraged (Lots of rewards for RP, all RPs are recorded for people to read in the future)

* Fair Admins (Slightly biased, but DBI Admins are open to constructive criticism and are open about decisions made)

* And so much more

Game Reviews

Review Title Author Name Submitted On Game Ranking
"Excellent Game" Shiboto 12/21/21 5
"Excellent game" Lynx 12/22/21 5
"Excellent, has playerbase" Barathis 01/10/22 5
"Right in the Nostalgia" Shift 05/27/23 5
"SUPER FUN" lowpahk 03/01/24 5
"Good game is good" Mirau 06/14/24 5
"Good MUD-Bad Admin" A Quiet Voice 07/31/24 5

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