Allegory of Empires

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In a Renaissance-era fictional city, create a character to navigate intrigue, danger, and thrills!

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Allegory of Empires is an interactive fiction game where you have the opportunity to craft a unique character and navigate their story through the complex and intrigue filled world set in a fictional Italian city during the Renaissance period.

With an array of elaborate classes and complex support systems, you’ll be able to tell stories and create characters as individual as you desire! From healers to assassins, socialites to crafters, warriors and scholars, the options to mix and match your skills and specializations are almost endless, giving you the opportunity to distinguish yourself within the community of like-minded storytellers and characters.

There will be options for gaining rank and notoriety, so you can weave a tale of rags to riches and tell the story of how your character overcame the odds or manipulated their way into a place of power among the individuals working for or against you on the playing field of the story.

Don’t worry if you aren’t into politics! There are plenty of options for those who are looking for something different. Whether you enjoy crafting items as a master merchant or would prefer hunting in the wilds for game in a quest for survival, there will be options to fit the needs of any storyline or character arc.

No matter which path you choose to take, you’ll find a community of players with similar goals; telling stories together and exploring the exciting and unique lives of carefully created characters navigating a complex and interesting environment.

Dive into the story of Allegory of Empires and tell your own story alongside and together with all the other stories that all come together in a broad, multifaceted tale with complex layers and nuanced characters. Let your imagination go wild as you explore the robust, cultural, thrilling world before you!

Game Reviews

Review Title Author Name Submitted On Game Ranking
"Awesome RP, opportunity" Valentin 12/30/23 5

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