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The survival of Pern has always been precarious, with the Red Star raining devastation on the planet and nothing but a few thousand dragons to defend the world. But things never seemed more like they were balanced on a knife-edge than at the beginning of the Ninth Pass, when a scant 300 dragonriders stood between the Pernese and annihilation.
With no alternative but to survive, the people of Pern managed to persevere through the darkest days of the early Pass and now see a steadily brightening glimmer of hope as the riders for Fort and Benden look to repopulate a third Weyr, bringing more of the Northern Continent under the protection of dragonkind.
Our story is one of a hopeful tomorrow, where the heroism and sacrifices of individuals in the here-and-now will reap rewards in the future. Pern will find its way forward, guided by the actions of everyday heroes.
Our game is set in an alternate version of the Ninth Pass of Pern, where the plan to bring forward the Oldtimers failed. That was more than fifteen years ago, and all of the canon characters have died or faded into obscurity, leaving things on the shoulders of a new generation of heroes.