Kitsune themed MUCK taking place in an expansive universe.
Demanding roleplay, strong guilds, advanced economics, deadly politics, in depth religion and great ships!
Looking for a MUD to call home? A place where you can feel welcome and and have lots of fun too? This is it!
The Sea of Storms is a truly unique MUD based on Robert Jordan’s book series, The Wheel of Time.
Fantasy-themed, original world and lore in development. Game mechanics heavily influenced by D20.
Realms of Despair: The Original SMAUG MUD
InfernoMOO: A post-apocalyptic game for the idle or the active, the cruel or the charitable.
Custom Server Type
Extended Race Selection
Extended Class Selection
Equipment Saved
Quests Available
Nodeka "cross-roads to a thousand journeys"
A subtly gothic theme with evocative descriptions and a skill-based, classless system.